
May 14, 2024:

Update 1.3 released today! This includes MANY new speed and user experience improvements. Just a few are:

The transition to websockets, decreasing the delay when your opponent moves.

No longer getting disconnected when you switch tabs.

Audible cues when you or someone else creates an invite, or makes a move.

Added the 50-move rule.

A drum countdown effect is now played at 10 seconds left on the clock.

An auto-resignation timer will start if you're opponent goes AFK (with an audible warning).

And many others! For the full list, check out the discord!

Jan 29, 2024:

New video released today!

Aug 26, 2023:

Infinite Chess v1.2 has been released! Introducing Move History. Use the left & right arrow keys to rewind and fast forward the game!

The system for verifying accounts has been updated to be more reliable! If your account is not verified and you had trouble with the verification link before, please try verifying again!

More dev logs are posted on the official discord, and on the forums!