
Anything on the website that is not listed below is copyright of


Core designed by Andreas Tsevas.

Space designed by Andreas Tsevas.

Space Classic designed by Andreas Tsevas.

Coaip (Chess on an Infinite Plane) designed by Vickalan.

Pawn Horde designed by Inaccessible Cardinal.

Abundance designed by Clicktuck Suskriberz.

Pawndard by SexyLexi.

Classical+ by SexyLexi.

Knightline by Inaccessible Cardinal.

Knighted Chess by cycy98.

Omega designed by Cory Evans and Joel Hamkins.

Omega^2 designed by Andreas Tsevas.

Omega^3 designed by Cory Evans and Joel Hamkins.

Omega^4 designed by Cory Evans, Joel Hamkins, and Norman Lewis Perlmutter.


Cburnett textures licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

Green Chess textures licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

Pychess textures licensed under the GNU General Public License

Gold coin by Quolte.


Some sounds are provided by the Lichess-org Lila project under the GNU Affero General Public License

Other sounds created by Naviary.


High Performance Matrix & Vector Operations by Brandon Jones and Colin MacKenzie IV.

Infinite Chess Notation Converter by Andreas Tsevas and Naviary.